Saturday, December 29, 2012

What a wild few days it has been! I have got a LOT to post about, I just need some time to integrate and coalesce everything that has happened.


Love and light!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Where the fuck do I start?

So on the eve of this consciousness shift somehow I started focusing all my energy on my best friend, Chance.  He and I had a love for the music of Phish, and every Phishs concert I was at, it was always with Chance.

We will get more in to the psychedelic aspect to things a little later. All that matters now is the deep psychic bond that existed between us, and the fact that our love of Phish made that loving bond all the stronger.

I cant even begin to start to describe all the fuciking insane times I had with this little fucker. The things we did together would make a seasoned hippie blush in shame.  As an example, on 11/24/1998 in New Haven Ct chance handed me about 1/3 of a vial of VERY FUCKING GOOD LSD. This was at my first Phish concert.  I ate it. Vial and all.  He was on the other 2/3. No joke, 60+ doses.  This wasn't uncommon amongst us.  Let me tell you what about an hour later during Ghost my world fucking collapsed. I was absolutely egoless, and I was in this state amongst MANY like minded humans. This was my first esoteric experience AFTER puberty. It was absolutely magical.

To top things off, I was broke as fuck because I spent all my gas money on acid... What a genius, eh? Chance got robbed at gunpoint for his weed and the skeevy little fucker gave the gang banger the ounce of seeded weed we had and kept the headdies. Fucking genius in action at gunpoint, right? Damn.

Being broke with a V6 4x4 and NO gas, 4 hours from home, on 30+ hits of acid, after having your mind melted by Phish for the first time I decided to fill the back of the truck with beer bottles after the show. It was another genius plan.

We let the acid guide us and about 6 hours later we were in his driveway watching the mountains behind his house melt in to a puddle. We did this for like 3 hours.  Eventualy he went inside and I drove the remaining 45 minutes home where I stayed in my room for like 3 days till I was straight again.

I will most certainly expand on all these stories because trying to recall and type them out is making things more vivid than I could have imagined.

Oh, I forgot to mention I channeled him tonight and his spirit is here with me.... 

Thats all for now.

Peace and namaste.  I love you all.

"If you can heal the symptoms
But not affect the cause
It's quite a bit like trying to heal
A gunshot wound with gauze

If you instead attempt to wrest
The pistol from the hand
Then I would not be able to
Equate my life with sand

Flowing through the hourglass
Pushing through the funnel
Turn once more while racing
All your siblings for the tunnel

Slide and let the silicone
Embrace you as you fall
Then bounce and land you let
Your brothers crush you to the wall

I would choose my own religion
And worship my own spirit
But if he ever preached to me
I wouldn't want to hear it

I'd drop him, a forgotten god,
Languishing in shame
And then if I hit stormy seas
I'd have myself to blame"

More on the eve of destruction.

Matty Lambino was the one to get me REALLY in to Phish, at the time I was in to gangsta rap and other such nonsense. I was living in Norwich after going to school in Greene for many years. During these years I was older than Chance and while we hung out on the sxhool bus we weren't "buddies"

The next year I moved to Norwich from Greene and sadly I all but forgot Chance.  Then I had summer school. SURPRISE!! My old buddy JK was there and told me Chance was doing well. I was apparently getting his herb through JK...  I also managed to make a great acid hookup of JK but that waslater in the story...

This all fits in someplace and honestly I am so tripped out this is the only way I can put my past together.  Once I feel I have a synchronous timeline I will edit my posts but until then you have to deal with the tripped out ravings of a die-hard phamily member.  GDF NFA.

Here is to you brother. I love you Chance.

What the fuck Junior?

Is it? Could it be? I have no clue how to approach this subject. Up until this point I had lost like 4 of my very good friends. I was around 30 if you wondered.... Chance Howey was no questions asked MY BEST FRIEND. No matter what he did to piss me off, I was never really upset, I could easily forgive him any time.

There were a few times when we really fot upset with wach other but that was rare. YOu name it and we did it together. The stories I could tell would quite literally make YOU trip.

Every time I ate a significant dose of any psychedelic Chance and I were together. Figuring things out, staring at the grass, or discussing the nature of reality, it was always Chance and I. Chance taught me so many things about "using a drug as a tool" and "not being a scumbag" it truly led me to where I am now.

At some point I will finish part one of myu blog bout for now I don't think I am ready....

For today listen to and try to appreciate this Phish concert. It was on 10.20.1020, my birthday.  It was also Lozzi's first show and Chance's lass show (at least in this dimension) I know heis spirit was with me in Canandaigua 2011....

I love you chance and that isn't how this started at all. I hope you are proud of where I have come, and I hope you will continue to teache me lessons from beyond.

Om shanti and namaste my brother.

you have taught me so much of myself and the world at large. I love you with all my being and I need you to keep helping to show me the way. 

Good morning!

Namaste friends and good morning! I hope everyone is having a beautiful day. Were mere hours from a galactic alignment the likes of which haven't been seen in 10s of thousands of years. It is said that when this takes place a mass shift in consciousness will occur. Can't you sense it? things on Earth are changing so fast it is hard to believe and people everywhere are waking up at a rate hitherto unknown to our universe! Open your heart, and continue to be guided by your soul, your higher self. Spread the love and light to everyone you  encounter!

Om shanti.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

More inspiring words from Thoth

So oh man be sure that the effects you bring forth are ever causes of more perfect effects.  Know you that the future is never in fixation but it follows mans free will as it moves through the time-space towards its goal where a new time begins. Man can only read the future through the causes that bring effects.  Seek you within the causation and surely you shall find the effects. Listen oh man while I speak of the future, speak of the effect that follows the cause.  Know you that man in his journey lightward is ever seeking escape from the night that surrounds him, like the shadows that surround the stars in the sky. Like the stars in the sky-space lie too, he too shal shine from the shadows of night.

More 9-11 speculation. Compelling information here.

Ever notice how little debris there was once the dust cleared? Think of how much steel and concrete make up 2 x 110 story mega structures. Ever wonder how there was so much dust created by the buildings coming down? Smoke maybe but enough dust to cover most of Manhattan ankle deep? Something doesn't add up. Is it possible that the dust IS the debris? Do we have the technology to turn a building to dust? There are many physicists and others with doctoral degrees who feel this was the case. Could super-thermite be the perpetrator's "Story B' for when we figure out the information from the 9-11 commission is bunk? I don't know but it sure is compelling. I have heard of Hutchison and free energy before this but I hadn't considered that it was possible to use it like this. I guess it is hard for me to conceive that people use the darkness openly.

The key?

As I use my knowledge and love to try to help others find the truths of the universe, and the power of love and light, I get such an amazing rush of energy, such a feeling of truth and love.  I really feel that perhaps finding this information and helping to spread it is a major reason for my existence. Never in my 34 years have I found any teachings that rang true in my heart until now, and it is beautiful.

The more I study meditation and ancient knowledge the more it has shown me a miraculous way to inner peace and the light light that is love. The more I study and contemplate that light, that consciousness, the more I understand it. The more I understand that light the more I can help spread it and defeat the dark. The more I spread the light the greater my understanding of love, light, and oneness.

This cycle is exactly the same as the cycle of anger depression and darkness that so many of us feel every single day. We as beings of light forgot the fact that we control the energy that is our consciousness, and as such we control our existence. All we need is love and light to create inner and world peace. It really IS that simple, we just need to start with ourselves.

The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean

It is suggested you read this many many times. It is also suggested you can glean new information from reading this on many different dimensions.

Here are The Emerald Tablets as read by Josh Reeves

Part one:

Part two:

Here is the PDF

A beautiful quote from Thoth

‎"Man is a star bound to a body. Until in the end he is freed through his strife. Only through struggle and toiling by utmost shall the star within thee bloom out in to a new light" - Thoth, ancient king of Atlantis in the Emerald Tablets

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Love and light everyone!

Tonight is going to be Maggie's second foray in to the world of spirit science. She joined myself and tens (if not hundreds) of thousands of us for a mass meditation on 12/12/2012.  She really seems to enjoy it and the energy she brings to the meditation is as pure and amazing as can be.

Tonight we are going to watch part 12 of The Spirit Science - The Human History Movie. It is a very good introduction and jumping off point for people new to spirit science, also for anyone interested in the real history of humanity, you know the forgotten and repressed stuff. Perhaps after that we will do a meditation to use our hearts to manifest and energize our merkaba's...

Not that Maggie will need any of this, children are capable of a kind of love and connectedness that we hide or forget as adults. This ascension is one time that truly "No child will be left behind"

Namaste and good night.

Here is a link to the movie on youtube.

Intro to Basic Sacred Geometry

Information on Ascension and the Merkaba  By Drunvalo Melchizedek    

Wise words from a friend

"I rejected the spiritual for the material. I lost my true self because I didn't understand. I lied to myself to protect my sanity, and lost my humanity.  Now I love people and use things."
I guess now is as good a time to start as any.

When I was a child I had many esoteric experiences. Every single one amazed me and tried to show me the interconnectedness and power within myself and all other living beings. I was able to see the beauty and power of nature but I never fit us, people, in to the equation I was building for my world view.  My entire family was quite "paranoid" about other people and it gradually got worse with time. I don't feel this was paranoia in a delusional sense but more out of a lack of understanding.

I was an only child and I lived in a rural area with no neighbors or other children around to influence the direction in which my thoughts flowed. I was awful lucky to have a mother who was so open and understanding. She also taught me the power of the mind and the self tho she was doing so without knowing it.

I was also involved in martial arts as a child and oddly I had no idea that I could have used many of the concepts and techniques being taught to me to further my understanding of my esoteric experiences- school had taught me that everything was separate.  It was at this time that the government mind control system of mass media and education started sinking it's grips in to me. I wanted to stay home and let my brain be programmed and my true self be stripped away in favor of being one of the "normal" American Sheeple. All this in front of the television on Saturday mornings instead of opening the channels of energy between the mind body and spirit at karate... Looking back it is really a shame.

Moving on a few years and I became very jaded, mean, and really just plain nasty. I look back at the person I was and it is not something I am proud of. I was a very anxious and depressed teen.  I gained all my self esteem from picking on those weaker than myself. I wasn't really a bully because of my small frame but I was very mentally abusive to people. I cant stand that I was like that. I now know that in hurting others I was in fact hurting myself and causing the depression and anxiety I felt ever single day.  Through all of this tho I could still feel the light, tho very dim every time I did something nice for another person.

In comes marijuana.

Thats all for now, I will continue this later.

Om shanti.